

Growing Your Own Sideshow

Toxic BBQ, A History

Looking to organize your own Toxic BBQ or an event just like it?

For DC29, we talked with organizers of Toxic BBQ to record a history of the event as a printable zine. We also collected advice on running such convention sideshows for others in the hacker community. View the articles here or print your own copy.

The zine was made using graphic design skills not seen since you pirated Broderbund Printmaster from the school computer lab. The printable version is layed out as a booklet and stapled in the middle. The content from this zine is also available as separate posts on this site:
Toxic BBQ - An Abbreviated History - The History Bits of the Zine
Community Building through Events - An essay on community building based on interviews with Sc0tland and other event organizers
Planning a Sideshow - A Do's and Don'ts style list of advice from event organizers, past and present

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